The Dangers of Using Uncertified Units
All IGUs placed on the European Market and UK must, under the Construction Products Regulations, be manufactured in accordance with all parts (1 to 6) of EN 1279, the harmonised European Standard for Insulating Glass Units.
The primary requirements of EN 1279 to demonstrate durability of the IGU, to provide a reasonable service life are:
Testing to EN 1279 part 2 – Long term test method and requirements for moisture penetration to ensure they don’t “condensate inside cavity space”.
Testing to EN 1279 part 3 – Long term test method and requirement for gas leakage rate and for gas concentration tolerances to guarantee that gas cannot escape the unit .
There also needs to be a clear system description to prove that the test evidence, that some companies are producing, relate specifically to the low sightline narrow cavity units (heritage) and not to standard units. which are two totally different test requirements as some places have been trying to “bluff” their way showing test results based on standard units.
Before you buy from any company please ensure that they can show you their EN1279 test results based on heritage units, if not then you could be using uncertified products and will not conform to any regulations set out by architects and planning officers .
So far IMC Glass is the only manufacturer in all of Ireland that has passed all test requirements , we spend many thousands each year to maintain our kite-mark which includes testing samples to B.S.I every 6 months .
Please see link for recommendations when placing orders for narrow cavity units set out by the BWF.
Also featured is an article written by BWF warning their members about this issue with strong warnings not to use any products made without certification.