Silver Acre House

Silver Acre House
Silveracre House which dates from the 1830’s and is a perfect example of Regency architecture. Classical details such as the leaded fanlight above the magnificent entrance porch, the splendid granite steps and the two sphinxes mounted on plinths guarding the entrance door recall times past when Silveracre House would have played host to high society and dignitaries. Former residents of Silveracre House include Rev. Henthorn Todd who was a professor of Hebrew at Trinity College in the mid 1850’s and Dr Albert Croly, surgeon and founder of The Baggot Street Hospital who was in residence at Silveracre House in 1898.With window refurbishment on this project IMC Slim-Glaze was used, which at 12mm thick and with only a sight-line rebate of 8mm was the perfect choice to maintain that traditional look but yet have maximum benefits of heat insulation