Iris Schumacher. Germany

Iris Schumacher. Germany
We were approached to supply our slim-glaze units by a customer in Germany who could not find a supplier who was able to help her in her project which was to install over 150 energy rated double glazing units in her older period home in which the current frames had been made many years ago and were only suitable for single glazing. As you can see from the first photo, Iris had gotten another company to supply her with double glazing and when installed, the black seals of the units are protruding from the rebate which makes it look like an unsightly black border in every window. this is because standard double glazing has a sight-line of 12mm from edge of the unit.
We have manufactured our slim-glaze units with only a 7.5mm sight- line meaning that our units can be easily installed into older frames designed only for single glazing. And because our products have been fully tested and verified and hold our own British standards and European CE certification, it means Iris was able to find us easily on google as she found no other German manufacturer was able to provide this for her.