ESB Buildings
ESB Buildings
ESB Buildings , Fitzwilliam Street, Dublin. Glazing work currently underway on this 150 Million new headquarters. An Bord Pleanala has granted permission for the development, subject to 19 conditions, which includes carrying out a survey of the controversial Block A, built by architect Sam Stephenson in the 1960s, and which involved the demolition of 16 Georgian Buildings on what was known as the ‘Georgian Mile’.
The development site includes various buildings dating from the 1940s to the 1980s, ranging in height from four to seven storeys, including 11 protected structures. nearly 3000 of our Slim-Glaze heritage units will be manufactured for this project over the next period. starting at 12mm overall thickness, which means the old style look can be re-created while the thermal efficiency benefits of our super slim double glazing can be even better than standard double glazing, achieving U-values (the term used to measure thermal efficiency) of as low as 1.2 on a 6mm cavity and 1.1 on a 8-cavity depending on the type of gas used
All of the 20th century buildings will be demolished, with nine protected Georgian houses to be refurbished. When complete, the office element of the development will be 50 per cent occupied by the ESB with the balance, capable of accommodating 1,400 office workers, available for letting on the open market.
There will be 28,121 sqm of office space in total and the development will also accommodate 440 bicycle spaces and parking for 110 cars.